
The adenoids are lymphatic tissue which completes a ring of tonsillar tissue in the back of the throat and nose known as “Waldeyer’s ring. It is also known as the nasopharyngeal tonsil. It is thought to be important very early in life however as it enlarges can cause nasal obstruction, snoring, persisting nasal discharge and has a role in recurrent ear infections and middle ear effusions.

An adenoidectomy “ablates” (removes) this to improve symptoms. There is a small possibility that it can regrow and the procedure be repeated if symptoms recur.

 After Surgery

  • Pain following this surgery is usually minimal.

  • Paracetamol and/or Ibuprofen May be required for a few days or up to a week afterwards

  • It is common to feel throat or ear discomfort for 5 - 7 days.

  • A low-grade temperature is not uncommon following the adenoidectomy. This does not typically require antibiotics, however please contact the rooms if you are concerned.

  • Smelly/bad breath can persist for up to a few weeks after surgery.

  • Nasal congestion/swelling usually occurs afterwards. As the swelling improves, a runny nose and/or cough can occur.

  • Slight bleeding can occur from the nose.

  • Very rarely the neck can become stiff with the child holding their head to one side. If this occurs please contact the rooms urgently.

Follow up after surgery

  • A follow up appointment is typically arranged for 4 - 6 weeks after surgery.

  • Typically a hearing test will be arranged, if grommets were placed in the ears at the same time.

  • If there are any other concerns, please contact the rooms.