Information for patients
Ensure your patients are aware that:
Paracetamol is the active ingredient in a number of pain and fever relief medicines and combination medicines (eg, for cold and flu).
Overdose can occur when taking more than one paracetamol-containing medicine.
The maximum daily dose of 4 g in any given 24 hour period should not be exceeded for adults and children aged > 12 years.
When recommending paracetamol for pain relief in children and infants less than 12 years of age, ensure carers know the following:
Paracetamol comes in different formulations and strengths for different ages. It is important to choose the correct paracetamol product for the child's age.
Always read the medicine label and packaging before use.
Knowing the child's weight – the recommended dose of paracetamol for children is based on ideal body weight (15 mg/kg).a
Never exceed the maximum recommended dosage for children of 15 mg/kg every 4–6 hours to a maximum of 1 g, and no more than 4 doses in a 24-hour period.
It is important to measure liquid medicines accurately using the syringe or device provided.
Keep track of all medicines given to the child, and when they were given.
Store medicines out of reach of children.
Children more than 20% above their ideal body weight should be dosed according to their lean body weight which can be estimated by determining their predicted weight for height.
(from NPS Medicine wise: