Dr Wood is an Ear Nose and Throat surgeon with a special interest in all aspects of Paediatric ENT Surgery, as well as General ENT disorders. Growing up in Adelaide, he commenced his medical training at the University of Sydney Medical School. Initially returning to Adelaide, he subsequently ventured interstate again to complete his ENT surgical training in Western Australia. With a keen interest in managing complex paediatric ENT cases, he pursued a Paediatric ENT Fellowship at the prestigious Starship Children’s Hospital. Returning to Adelaide, he is now a Senior Visiting Medical Specialist at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and Flinders Medical Centre. With his passion in paediatric airway disorders, he was instrumental in setting up the first paediatric airway and swallowing service at FMC - a multidisciplinary clinic incorporating ENT, Speech Pathology and Paediatric Respiratory members. He is a member of the Vascular Malformation clinic run through the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and consultants on cases with the Cleft and Craniofacial SA service (previously the Australian Craniofacial Foundation). In addition to his own research activities, he acts as a reviewer for a number of international journals and is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Medicine at Flinders University of South Australia
His main areas of interest are:
Paediatric sleep apnoea and sleep disordered breathing
Paediatric airway and swallowing disorders
Vascular malformations
Salivary gland disease and Sialendoscopy
Ear disease
Sinus disease
General Ear Nose and Throat disorders

He aims to provide excellence in the care of infants, children and adolescents in all aspect of ear, nose and throat problems, through patient care, supporting and educating both parents, and his peers as well as the wider community, and on-going research.
He consults from :
Mount Barker
He has operating sessions at:
He is a Senior Visiting Medical Specialist at:
He also conducts outreach clinics at
He provides ENT services to
Cleft and Craniofacial SA (Previously Australian Craniofacial Foundation)
Kimberley Region, Western Australia
A current referral is required
What to Bring to the appointment
Where we are
Maps and Parking information